“People with disabilities are vulnerable because of the many barriers they
Stephen Hawking
face – attitudinal, physical, and financial. Addressing these barriers is
within our reach … but most important, addressing these barriers will
unlock the potential of so many people with so much to contribute to the
Objective of the Program
As per the Census of India 2011, 2.68 crores persons (2.2% of the
population) are differently abled. They have poor access to the public
realm. The objective of this training programme is to create cognizance
among the various stakeholders to make this realm more accessible and
barrier free.
Who Can Apply
Faculty members and Students of Engineering Colleges, members from
the Administrative, Implementation and Service provision organisations in
the field of accessibility to the built environments. The number of
participants is limited to 50.
Course Design
The programme is fully online. The programme is interactive in nature and
will be conducted as per flipped paradigm. Full attendance is mandatory
for online classes. Those participants missing classes will have to
complete the programme at their own time and expense. Upon
satisfactory completion of the programme and assignments, the
participants shall receive a Certificate.
Class Schedule
The participants have to login by 8.45 a.m. using the meet link shared.
The classes are to be conducted from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.. The BFCC team
shall clear doubts/queries after the class till 12 p.m, which is optional. The
tests and assignments need to submitted by 10 p.m.
Fees and Allowance
The course fee is Rs.1500/Participant. This is borne by Centre For
Industrial Training, Consultancy & Sponsored Research (ITC&SR), CET.
Hence the course is free for the participants. No TA/DA will be paid to the
How to Apply
Applicants may register using the online form (click here). The
application process ends a week before commencement of the course.
Intimation regarding selection will be informed through email.
10th to 14th January 2022
24th to 28th January 2022
7th to 11th February 2022
9 a.m. to 11 a.m.
Organized by

In Collaboration With

EnableMe Access Association
Funded By

About College of Engineering Trivandrum
The College of Engineering, Trivandrum was established
in 1939 as the first Engineering College in the then
Travancore State, and later Kerala. Ever since its
inception, the College has maintained its eminence as a
leading Engineering College in India.
About Department of Architecture
The Department of Architecture started functioning in 1964
and has nurtured to several architects of national and
international repute, true masters in the field. The
Department celebrated its Golden Jubilee in 2014.
About BFCC
The Barrier Free Consultancy Cell (BFCC) works towards
creating spaces that are accessible and barrier free. It
functions under grant from the Social Justice Department,
Govt. of Kerala. BFCC also provides technical support and
knowledge dissemination towards barrier free built
environments in Kerala.
Topics being covered under the Training Session
- Laws and Standards
- Site Information
- Employee Sensitisation
- Alighting Points and Pathways
- Parking
- Ramps
- TGSI Tactile Ground Surface Indicators
- Toilets
- Lifts
- Steps and Stairs
- Signs
- Bathrooms
- Bedrooms
- Surfaces on Floors, Walkway and Ramps
- Handrails
- Ergonomics (workspace, furniture etc.)
- Educational Establishments
- Hospitals and Clinics
- Mixed Commercial office/retail
- Transport Hubs (Railway, Airport, Bus)
- Auditorium and Sports Facilities
Address of Communication
Principal Investigator
Barrier Free Consultancy Cell
Department of Architecture,
College of Engineering Trivandrum
Pin 695016
Email – barrierfreecell@cet.ac.in
For more details contact
Kiran Kumar S
R S Veena
8129803943 (M)